Determination of 5 amino acids in total parenteral nutrition formulation

Parenteral nutrition solutions contain mixed ions, sugars, and amino acid products. An error in the concentration of this components could increase risks for the patient. After the development of CE methods for ions and sugar controls, WynSep has developed an analytical method in order to determine five amino acids concentrations in parenteral nutrition formulations. Thus, a capillary electrophoresis method coupled to an indirect C4D detector is used to quantify tryptophan, Leucine, iso-Leucine, Tyrosine, and Valine. With this method, other Amino Acids can be detected but not identified in this Application Note.

Réactifs et conditions d'analyse

Tampon : Glacial Acetic Acid
Capillaire : bare-fused
Injection : hydrodynamic, 50 mbar, 10 s
Tension : +15 kV
Détection : C4D indirect
Température : 25 °C


Other applications Pharmaceutical quality control

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