A capillary electrophoretic method with UV detection was developed to analyze 11 preservative compounds. In the optimized conditions, the 11 compounds were resolved in 4 minutes. This method was applied to a soda and cosmetic cream.
L'avis de l'expert : A great example of the high separative power of capillary electrophoresis with the separation of 11 compounds in less than 4 minutes.
Réactifs et conditions d'analyse
Tampon : borate, pH 8.0
Capillaire : bare-fused silica, L = 40 cm, l = 32 cm, ID = 50 μm
Injection : hydrodynamic, 50 mbar, 3 s
Tension : +25 kV
Détection : direct UV, 206 nm
Température : 35 °C