Inorganic cations in drinking waters

Determination and quantitation of K+, NH4+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ cations in drinking waters using the Wyn-CE Capillary Electrophoresis system and an easy and sensitive contactless conductimetry detection (C4D).

L'avis de l'expert : Rapid Analysis : 3 min !

Réactifs et conditions d'analyse

Tampon : Glacial acetic acid + L-Histidine + 18-C-6, pH 4.1
Capillaire : bare-fused silica, L = 65 cm, l = 50 cm, ID = 50 μm
Injection : hydrodynamic, 50 mbar, 8 s
Tension : +30 kV
Détection : C4D, frequency 500 kHz, A = 100%
Température : 25 °C


Other applications Food safety

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