Determination of chloride, nitrate, nitrite, bromide, sulfate, phosphate, and fluoride anions in a soda sample using the Wyn-CE Capillary Electrophoresis system with indirect UV detection using a chromate-based electrolyte.
L'avis de l'expert : Very simple sample preparation by simply degassing.
Réactifs et conditions d'analyse
Tampon : Chromate + TTAOH (EOF modifier) + CHES + Ca-gluconate, pH 9.0.
Capillaire : bare-fused silica, L = 60 cm, l = 52 cm, ID = 75 µm
Injection : hydrodynamic, 50 mbar, 3 s
Tension : -15 kV
Détection : 254 nm, indirect
Température : 25 °